Moving towards healthy waters in Alberta
By Robert Powell & Mathieu Lebel Right now the Government of Alberta is in the midst of a public “Water Conversation”, intended to engage Albertans on four water issues the government has...
View ArticleCelebrating Canada’s building water movement
Our reflections may be as disparate as childhood memories catching frogs in a local creek or taking a dip in the lake on a hot summer day to a drought that caused crops to wither in the fields or...
View ArticleSouth Africa sets the bar high with new offshore Marine Protected Area – An...
Two days ago, the South African government announced its first offshore marine protected area after years of work by the government and our friends at WWF- South Africa, who are ‘elated’ by the news....
View ArticleGood day for science: Ontario government intervenes to save Experimental...
One year before sinking beneath the waves, a lifeline was thrown to the drowning Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario. Having been given two years by the federal government to wind up and...
View ArticleChocolate’s legacy gift to nature – Swallow Caye Manatee Reserve
I have been lucky enough to visit some of the most beautiful tropical places in the world, and go snorkelling and diving in some pretty cool places. Every time I travel somewhere new, I fall in love...
View ArticleCoral Trafficking: Little did I know, I might be an illegal wildlife trader....
When you hear (or read) the words ‘illegal wildlife trade’, what comes to mind? Is it an image of a lion, taken from its home to be put in a cage, ready for a performance at a circus? Or maybe you...
View ArticleSustainable seafood? The answer to a seafood lover’s dilemma
Being landlocked as I am in Toronto, I unfortunately don’t have the daily pleasure of enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of our oceans that my colleagues can take advantage of in our offices on...
View ArticleA good World Oceans Day for Sharks and Manta Rays as they receive...
A landmark decision was made this past March at the last CITES Meeting of the Conference of Parties (CoP 16) when the member countries voted to list five species of sharks and manta rays on CITES...
View ArticleA city-dweller’s love for the oceans
By Rachel Wang, Research Intern, WWF-Canada I didn't grow up on the ocean coast, and so I am sad to say that when I was asked by WWF staff why I love the ocean, I didn't have a heart-warming story to...
View ArticleNails driven deeper into the watery coffins of northern cod
HOLD your breath. A week before World Oceans Day, Canada published an alarming notice on a back page of a DFO website announcing a 33% increase in the quota for the northern cod “stewardship” fishery....
View ArticleScience lacking in northern cod quota increase
HOLD your breath. A week before World Oceans Day, Canada published an alarming notice on a back page of a DFO website announcing a 33% increase in the quota for the northern cod “stewardship” fishery....
View ArticleStudents on Ice: Fishing for Global Solutions in Pang
"What kills a fishery is the banker" says Trevor. We're standing outside the Pangnirtung fish plant, looking out at the rocky flat, left bare by the low tide. A fishing boat leans into the mud, as...
View ArticleTesting the waters: experimenting new tools in shark conservation
Some days our work takes us to pretty amazing places. Last Saturday, I dropped off our shark project coordinator, Jarrett Corke, at the fishing wharf in West Head, southwestern Nova Scotia. His...
View ArticleRecent Humpback Whale Entanglement in the Bay of Fundy
I have some friends that do some pretty amazing things to help wildlife. On Sunday, I got word through the stranding network I help run in Nova Scotia, the Marine Animal Response Society, that a...
View ArticleVictory in Norway. Can we do it in Canada?
There are exceptional places on this planet that are so valuable we must do all we can to protect them. The only way to ensure that exceptional marine and coastal ecosystems are protected from the...
View ArticleDenial on the rocks and the deadly cocktail that’s impairing our oceans
I’ve been thinking a lot about the human condition recently. I’m not a philosopher – barstool or otherwise - but the unequivocal sense of denial that permeates our lives intrigues me. Denial about the...
View ArticleFish Friday: From The Palace you can see the ocean: Montreal chef Gita Seaton...
Written by Gita Seaton, Chef and Owner of Nouveau Palais My name is Gita Seaton; I am chef/owner of Restaurant Nouveau Palais in Montreal. The restaurant has been around for over 80 years, though my...
View ArticleThrough the looking glass: A conservation perspective from a commercial...
Written by Jarrett Corke, Project Coordinator, Sharks I needed time. Time to think. Time to process fleeting memories and photographs and make sense of it all. I know what I expected to find, but the...
View ArticleThousands of jobs rely on the species in the Great Bear
The Great Bear region is an ecological treasure that supports thousands of jobs in tourism and fishing. Marine tourism generates $104.3 million in revenues and provides 2,200 long term jobs....
View ArticleCan BC Hold the Line on Protecting our Provincial Fish?
On March 16th 2013 the Government of BC announced that it would be adding pacific salmon as the “official provincial fish emblem.” In the press release, then Environment Minister Terry Lake stated,...
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